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Medical Negligence Attorneys in New York

When a doctor, surgeon, nurse, or other medical professional acts negligently, a patient’s life can be dramatically affected. Acts of medical negligence can result in a patient’s illness, disease, injury, or even early death, as well as extensive financial and emotional damages. At Pegalis & Erickson, we have New York medical negligence lawyers who have experience handling various types of medical malpractice cases. They can help you file a malpractice claim and seek the full financial recovery you and your family deserve.

We handle medical negligence cases that involve the following:

  • Birth injury / obstetrical malpractice – When obstetricians and other medical professionals do not apply enough caution and attention during the labor or delivery process, an infant can receive a serious birth injury. If your child has received this type of injury, take action by filing a medical malpractice claim!
  • Cerebral Palsy / Erb’s Palsy – Cerebral Palsy is a name for a group of disorders that restrict a person’s nerve functions and / or movement. These disorders are typically caused by injury to the brain during the birth. Cerebral Palsy / Erb’s Palsy is often a result of obstetrical or medical malpractice.
  • Cancer misdiagnosis – Physicians and other medical professionals sometimes make mistakes that lead to the improper or delayed diagnosis of cancer. When a patient suffers from misdiagnosis, this can result in early death or other serious consequences.
  • Anesthesia-related injuries – Anesthesia errors can cause a patient’s serious injuries, or even his or her premature death. For example, a patient undergoing surgery might receive improper intubation or oxygenation. A lack of oxygen flow can cause brain damage, which may be fatal.
  • Strokes / neurologic / neurosurgical-related injuries – There are many different types of medical errors that can result in neurologic injuries. For example, a doctor or medical professional might fail to recognize stroke symptoms and treat the problem fast enough. Or the professional might make mistakes during back surgery or brain surgery that leave the patient paralyzed.
  • Surgery cases – While it is true that surgery often comes with risks due to the mere nature of the procedure, it is not always these standard risks that lead to complications. In many cases, it is the negligence of the surgeon or other medical professional involved that is to blame for a surgery-related injury or death.
  • Hospital liability – You can hold a hospital liable after your or a loved one was harmed as a result of a hospital’s medical professional, staff member, or system failure. Hospital negligence can include things like improper emergency room care, medication mix-ups, lack of qualified medical personnel, failure to give patients referrals for follow-up treatment, etc.
  • Cardiac injuries – Doctors and cardiac specialists sometimes make mistakes such as failing to properly recognize cardiac arrest symptoms, making errors during open heart surgery or other treatments, or failing to properly monitor the patient after cardiac surgery.
  • Pediatric malpractice – A few examples of pediatrician malpractice include failure to diagnose pediatric cancer, failure to diagnose appendicitis, failure to treat infections, failure to diagnose hydrocephalus, etc. Fil a malpractice claim if a pediatrician caused your child harm!
  • Infectious disease – Infectious diseases are serious and can even be life-threatening. A medical professional might be responsible for a patient’s injury or death if that professional she failed to properly diagnose or treat the infection, or if the professional caused it. For instance, a doctor might have failed to diagnose / treat sepsis or peritonitis, or he or she may have caused an infection by failing to follow proper sterilization procedures during surgery.
  • Miscellaneous – In addition to the examples of medical negligence examples listed above, we have also dealt with many other types of medical malpractice cases. These include cases involving transplants of non-compatible organs, failure to properly treat pancreatitis, failure to properly diagnose / treat acoustic neuroma, over-radiation of the spinal cord, etc.

Contact our legal team at (516) 684-2900 and ask for a free consultation!

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