OR Errors: What Are the Risks of Anesthesia Mistakes?
Anesthesiologists play a key role in ensuring patient safety during a surgery or other procedure that requires anesthesia. Unfortunately, it’s far too easy to make a mistake with anesthesia, which can lead to serious medical injuries. For example, an anesthesiologist might fail to properly intubate a patient, fail to properly monitor the patient, or commit a life-threatening dosage error. Medical malpractice lawyers can help victims of anesthesia mistakes obtain compensation for their losses.
Brain Damage
In the event that a patient does not receive sufficient amounts of oxygen while under anesthesia, he or she can suffer from brain damage. The extent of the brain damage depends upon the length of time that the brain was deprived of oxygen. Sometimes, it can be fatal. When patients survive this type of medical injury, they can experience significant cognitive, physical, behavioral, and perceptual deficits. Patients may have trouble processing information, speaking, and concentrating on tasks, to name only a few potential complications.Anesthesia Awareness
Just as administering too high of a dose of anesthesia can lead to dire consequences, administering too little can lead to a complication known as anesthesia awareness. Individuals who suffer from anesthesia awareness are conscious during the surgery and they may even feel the excruciating pain from the procedure. However, because physicians administer muscle relaxants prior to surgeries, patients are unable to move, speak, or otherwise alert the surgery team. Some individuals who suffer from anesthesia awareness only have vague memories of the event afterward, while others clearly remember it. Anesthesia awareness can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).The medical malpractice lawyers of Pegalis & Erickson have a long, successful track record of representing the rights of medical malpractice victims in court. If you or a family member has suffered from medical injuries as a result of anesthesia mistakes, consider scheduling a consultation at our Long Island law firm. Medical malpractice victims from across the country are invited to call us at (516) 684-2900.
How to Protect Yourself Against Medical Mistakes
Doctors are often held in such high regard that they may be considered incapable of making serious errors. Unfortunately, medical malpractice is all too common and it costs countless lives each year. You can protect yourself by becoming an active participant in your own healthcare. Bring an updated list of all of your allergies, medications, supplements, and medical conditions to each doctor’s appointment. Be sure your pharmacist maintains updated records, as well. Additionally, never hesitate to question your physician if you cannot read his or her writing on a prescription. If you can’t read the name of the medication or the dosage, there’s a possibility your pharmacist will read it incorrectly, too.
Patient safety advocates strongly advise patients to speak up when they have a question or a concern. When picking up medications from your pharmacist, make sure you understand the dosage schedule. For example, ask if taking a pill every six hours means that you should take one three times a day. Likewise, question your physician about diagnostic tests and any medical procedures you plan to have.
For more than four decades, the medical malpractice team at Pegalis & Erickson has served as powerful advocates for patients and their families. You can reach out to our medical malpractice law firm in Long Island by calling (516) 684-2900.
Hall of Fame
We were just inducted into the Hall of Fame by Verdict Search for largest verdicts and settlements! This news story explains that LI #breastcancer case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCbV0DjxOK4&feature=youtu.be
Spotlight on International Infection Prevention Week
Beginning in 1986 by the hands of former President Ronald Reagan, International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) occurs the third week of October every year. Since its inception, IIPW has spread from the United States to many other areas of the globe. By informing people on how to avoid infectious diseases related to medical malpractice, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) has been able to benefit patients all around the world through IIPW. This year’s theme is antibiotic resistance.
What is Antibiotic Resistance?
An anti biotic is a drug that helps to control and cure diseases caused by bacteria. Anti-biotic resistance is when an anti-biotic is not as effective as it was due to the transformation of bacteria in a patient’s body. Using an anti-biotic the wrong way can lead to resistance, which in turn leads to infectious diseases. According to APIC, around two million people get serious infections from bacteria that has become averse to the anti-biotic that was supposed to treat it in the first place. Further more, APIC states that at least 23,000 people die from these infections. It is an increasing public health threat, but by taking the right actions you can help prevent the proliferation of this problem.How Do You Prevent AntiBiotic Resistance?
First, it is important to not take an antibiotic for viral infections like a cold, cough, or flu. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections and do not fight viruses. Thus, only take antibiotics which are prescribed for you by a physician to treat the particular bacterial infection that you have. In addition, APIC states that you should not save leftover antibiotics, or share them with anyone else.If you or a loved one is a victim of an injury due to medical malpractice, the law firm of Pegalis & Erickson is here to help. As a nationally top-ranked law firm in our field, we provide assistance in cases of birth injuries, infectious diseases, and other conditions related to medical malpractice. Call our Long Island law firm at (516) 684-2900 for a free consultation.
International Infection Prevention Week
The third week in October every year is International Infection Prevention Week. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the unwanted spread of infectious diseases through unsafe healthcare practices. Taking the right actions to infection prevention can help lead to a healthy future.
One of the best things you can do to help prevent infectious diseases is to take your medication specifically as directed by your healthcare provider. In addition, if you are receiving an injection, it is important to make sure that it is a clean needle that has not been used before. To learn more about how to prevent infectious diseases, take a look at the infographic above.
The Long Island law office of Pegalis & Erickson has been helping victims of avoidable negligence for over forty years. We have successfully represented individuals in cases involving infectious diseases, birth injuries, and other issues related to medical malpractice. Call us today for a free consultation at (516) 684-2900.
September May be Over, But Childhood Cancer Awareness is Still Strong at Pegalis & Erickson!
Cancer claims the lives of far too many people each year, including thousands of children. Although early diagnosis often offers the best chance of remission, many children with cancer are subject to misdiagnosis—a form of medical malpractice. Often, parents of children with cancer participate in awareness activities, so that the public becomes educated as to what to look for so that diagnosis and treatment can begin as early as possible.. The courage of the youngest of patients is recognized by Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, which was established by President Obama in 2012. Since that time, many awareness activities have sprung up around the country during the month of September to support families coping with cancer and raise money for research initiatives.
Pediatric Cancer
Pediatric cancer is different from cancer that occurs in adults. It tends to be more aggressive, for example. Children are less likely to develop the cancers that commonly occur in adults, such as cancers of the lung, breast, and colon. Rather, they may instead develop leukemia, bone cancer, lymphoma, and brain cancer. According to the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO), about 13,400 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer each year. About a quarter of them do not survive their illnesses.Awareness Events
Because of the aggressive nature of childhood cancers, it’s critical for doctors to diagnose them as early as possible. Awareness events, are intended to ultimately lead to lower rates of pediatric cancers, through raising funds for research. Parents of children who suffered from a delayed or wrongful diagnosis may be eligible to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. At Pegalis & Erickson, our medical malpractice lawyers understand that no amount of money can compensate you for your child’s illness, but you can help pay for expensive treatments and other expenses which result when there is a serious illness. If you suspect that your child’s illness was not timely diagnosed or treated you can call our medical malpractice law firm in Long Island at (516) 684-2900 to learn how you can hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. -
November is National Family Caregiving Month
Almost half of Americans are caregivers for loved ones that are too sick or disabled to care for themselves. Contrary to popular belief, it is not just adult women that are caregivers. Both young adults and men make up a significant portion of this population. In addition, due to more than 5 million cases of Alzheimer’s and the increasing amount of childhood conditions, the number of caregivers is on the rise. It is not easy caring for a loved one. Many caregivers need to be able to provide wound care and operate special medical equipment. With these people performing billions of dollars worth of unpaid work, it is more important now than ever that we appreciate these heroic individuals.
At the law firm of Pegalis & Erickson, we would like to extend an enormous thanks to the millions of compassionate Americans that help to care for their loved ones. If you or your loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice, we can help. Please call us at (516) 684-2900, or visit our Long Island office for more information.
A Parent’s Guide to Cerebral Palsy
According to the United Cerebral Palsy Association, almost one million Americans have Cerebral Palsy (CP). For the individuals who suffer from CP, it is hard to control body movement due to birth injuries like brain damage. Since this disorder usually manifests before the age of three years old, CP not only affects the kids who are diagnosed with it, but also the parents of these children. Knowing more about what CP is, and some of its possible causes, can be crucial for a parent.
Understanding What It is
In general, CP is a term that encompasses a group of disorders that hinders an individual’s movement. CP is a non-progressive disorder, which means it does not worsen with time. It typically develops due to damage to the brain as it develops during pregnancy, during labor and delivery (this is where the link to our new obstetrical page should be!) or within the first couple years of birth. It is not uncommon for CP to lead to other impairments. These may include visual, hearing, learning, and speech handicaps, among others.Possible Causes
Usually, the specific cause of CP is unknown for most individuals. However, research over the years has shown there are many possible causes that may cause a child to develop it. Infections that happen to the mother during pregnancy can cause damage to the developing brain of the fetus. In addition, the actual birthing process itself carries some complications that can cause CP. If a newborn incurs birth injuries related to the brain, or experiences significant oxygen deprivation during delivery, this can lead to CP. A serious case of jaundice caused by blood incompatibility between the mother and fetus can also contribute to its development. Referring to your trusted healthcare professional is a great way to understand more about these conditions.For over forty years, the law firm of Pegalis & Erickson has been helping out families and individuals who have been the victim of unsafe healthcare practices. If your child has suffered from birth injuries that may be related to medical negligence, please do contact us at (516) 684-2900.After we talk with you, if necessary we can provide transportation to our Long Island office.
Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month – September 2014
As with other types of cancers, prevention and early detection of gynecological cancer is key, which is why September has been designated as Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month. Experts hope this awareness month will encourage women to visit their healthcare providers for regular gynecological cancer screenings, including HPV tests. Women can also safeguard their reproductive health by talking to their doctors about getting the HPV vaccine, which can guard against the strains of HPV that can cause cervical cancer.
Additionally, the HPV vaccine is recommended for boys ages 11 to 21 and girls ages 11 to 26 to prevent the spread of the virus which can cause cervical cancer
In addition to undergoing screenings and receiving vaccines, women can promote their health by paying attention to their symptoms. Problems such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, bleeding after menopause, pelvic pain, and urinary abnormalities may indicate gynecological cancer. If a healthcare provider is unwilling to recommend the appropriate tests to determine the source of these symptoms, medical malpractice attorneys strongly advise women to seek a second opinion.
Have you or a loved one suffered from a cancer misdiagnosis or other form of medical malpractice? Let the team of medical malpractice attorneys at Pegalis & Erickson help. Call our Long Island law firm at (516) 684-2900.
October Is “Talk About Prescriptions” Month
Like most people, you probably place a great deal of trust in medical professionals. Though doctors, nurses, and pharmacists are thoroughly trained to provide excellent care, it’s important to remember that they also make mistakes. “Talk About Prescriptions” Month was established to help spread awareness of medication-related errors and protect the wellbeing of millions of Americans.
Medication Error Statistics
According to a report from the Institute of Medicine, about 1.5 million Americans are harmed by medication errors every year. These injuries result in an estimated economic loss of $3.5 billion annually. Also, about 7,000 Americans die as a result of avoidable medication errors. These sobering statistics highlight the importance of being proactive when ensuring the accuracy of one’s prescription medications.Talking About Prescriptions
This October, take your health into your own hands by asking all the questions you have about your prescription medications. Ask your doctor and pharmacist how your medication works to treat your specific ailment and ask for a detailed explanation of the proper dosage. If you notice a discrepancy in information between your doctor and pharmacist, ask that the two reconcile their different understandings of the medication. If your medication seems different from your last prescription refill, alert your pharmacist right away.Identifying Negligence
A lot of prescription medications look similar. Even the most conscientious patients can miss mistakes and suffer serious injury as a result. If your medication causes you harm, and you suspect that medical negligence is involved, consider hiring a Long Island medical malpractice attorney. A skilled lawyer can investigate your case and help you determine whether your medical mistake was caused by negligence on the part of your doctor or pharmacist.If you have questions about medical malpractice, don’t hesitate to call Pegalis & Erickson at (516) 684-2900. Our Long Island law firm has been protecting the interests of injured patients for more than 40 years, and we have the expertise necessary to help you obtain compensation for your economic damages and emotional distress.
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